As in most avenues in Sciences, and indeed life, success in performing a Supramolecular titration experiment depends largely on good preparation and planning. In this series of articles we will explore how we can plan our supramolecular titration experiments.
Let’s start with what do we qualify as success? The answer will of course depend to some degree on the system investigated and the hypothesis we are testing. That said, most of us would probably like to see the experiments yield quality data that would allow us to determine the binding strength and perhaps also the binding stoichiometry with high degree of confidence and accuracy.
In upcoming articles on this site we will explain better how you can evaluate the quality of the data you might obtain. For the time being lets look at the main steps that you need to consider. We make the asssumption here that you have a host and guest and you are planning to do a binding study involving this host-guest pair. So what should you do? I break this down to eight key steps:
This list is probably not complete but it should cover most of the key issues you need to consider. In upcoming articles we will explore the above in more details. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact us or comment on the article below if you wish to add anything or any of the above point are unclear to you.
Until next – cheers – Palli @
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